Friday, June 1, 2012


Maybe I'll be visiting more often right now :p
Tomorrow will be a big day for my fandom, ELF! Oh yeah! It'll be 6 annive for us (well, for me it have been 1 and 3 or 4 months annive~) Happy annive chingudeul ;;) how did it feel? Taken a long time with our Oppadeul together, passed many troubles and spent much time for fangirling...hmmm sounds good. Like we're a truly family. Well, we have been already being a family right? A big family who spread out entire world with one colour, Sapphire Blue! I hope someday I'll be somewhere with you all, waving our sapphire blue lightstick in sapphire blue ocean, singing 'Our Love' together with Super Junior :') Amin! Thanks guys for being a part of me. Thanks for colouring my world. Thanks for changed my life to something new and full of joy! Thanks for giving me a new family, Super Junior Oppadeul. Thanks for making me a part of ELF. Super Junior + ELF = ONE LOVE! 13ELIEVE PROM15E♥ 너무 사랑해요♥♥♥



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