Sunday, June 10, 2012


I'm in final exam now. But it feels too hard or anything else I don't know fiuh ._. just wanna share some feeling I had during this week.
I love reading. Much more than anything else. Another thing beside fangirling and singing (?) I think. Eventhough my voice isn't as good as my bias's voice, Cho Kyuhyun, I enjoy it enough. And I am the type of person who is easily to persuade and have a really big imagination daily. It really works when I'm reading a book. I can feel the feeling of the character like I did it by my self. Comic includes too. Have you ever read Hai Miiko? Aaaaaa, I love Eguchi Tappei so much! And now I wanna have a boyfriend like him u,u but if I think it once again, to have a boyfriend right now, it feels like ummm...too fast? I don't know...I just wanna have a boyfriend in the right moment...but wanna have it right now too...errrrr...labile? That's me. A teenager.
Isn't it clear? No? I know hehehe ._. so sorry.



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