Thursday, May 24, 2018

Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu) Review

Hiiii! I'm back with another anime review! Gotta be short anyway since this is mostly slice of life genre in my opinion that I can't tell you much how it progressed over time. It's been a while since I watched this, actually. But somehow I need longer time to recover from the impact lol. I'm one of those people who refused to watch this high-ranked anime because of not-so-reassuring visual's character. It's until one of my newest acquaintance said that it was a super good anime with emotional moral value. And there was I, giving it a shot. It made me fell head over heels and "battered" after watching. How can I not when it's sooo angsty that I cried almost an hour long for the last 3 episodes. My eyes got swollen and sure was I exhausted. What a girl.

This anime tells about a special class with most low-ranked kids in a school who are asked to kill an alien, a smart alien at that. This weird alien that seems to come out of nowhere moves with Mach 20 velocity and yellow-colored with some tentacles turns out to be a great educator. It educates the kids better than the real teachers are. This alien called Kuro-sensei. He believes that his students are all great persons with their own special talents. Days passed with their attempt to kill their teacher. While they are at it, they gain new knowledges and learn how to appreciate themselves and people in their surrounding more. There are also some back stories for how this alien became an alien. In the end, they succeed the mission with helluva tears. God damn it I'm gonna weep again. Oh welp, I'm totally recommending this to you!

After Taste : Too much onions. I'm crying my tears and heart out. It's soooo heartwarming but funny and witty and I surely don't mind watching it again in the future.

Best Part : "You've come so far, class." Kuro-sensei said in the end. Damn. Just a line and I broke into tears. Many outstanding and lesson-learned kind of dialogues. And of course the chemistry of the class was no jokes that you'll have many pairings to end up together. Here are some screenshots!

Bonus: my boi, Akabane Karma!



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