Monday, June 25, 2012

Farewell :(

Where there's a meeting, there would be a farewell too.
Yap! My 11th grade gonna ends soon. And it means that I'll gonna separate too with my 11th grade friends, my ADVENTURER! Aaaaa, they mean a lot to me. And the worst part is we're all have just realized it when it gonna ends. Sounds silly? I know. But, that's really happened. You know? We made a short movie for clasmeet competition, we stood in the basketball field, on the middle of the day;with dry and hot airy condition. Sweats fell. And watched by other students. Ardo and Eren worked hard to edit that movie but we got disqualified. Well, it didn't do matters. It paid by won other competitions, included become the best teamworker class of this year and the overall champion. So proud with the adventurer :') I'm gonna miss you guys ({}) We have a theme song for our class, which is always sang when we were in those competitions. We made it for support our representatives in any competitions of the clasmeet. Wanna here some? Here you are: 
"Keep the tosca flag flying high, flag flying high, flag flying high. Keep the tosca flag flying high, flag flying high." Why did it tosca flag? Because it's our colour. The ADVENTURE colour. Or this one, "IPA1, IPA1, IPA1 PASTI MENANG! IPA1, IPA1, IPA1 PASTI MENANG!". Most of my school's student joined us when we sang it. Whoa, don't you think it's great? How can I forget them easily? Yeah, however we still have to separate. Don't worry, memories stay forever in your mind. Thanks for the last 1 year Adventure! Love you! <3 Here are some photos when we had a trip in Jogja and Bali :"


Sunday, June 10, 2012


I'm in final exam now. But it feels too hard or anything else I don't know fiuh ._. just wanna share some feeling I had during this week.
I love reading. Much more than anything else. Another thing beside fangirling and singing (?) I think. Eventhough my voice isn't as good as my bias's voice, Cho Kyuhyun, I enjoy it enough. And I am the type of person who is easily to persuade and have a really big imagination daily. It really works when I'm reading a book. I can feel the feeling of the character like I did it by my self. Comic includes too. Have you ever read Hai Miiko? Aaaaaa, I love Eguchi Tappei so much! And now I wanna have a boyfriend like him u,u but if I think it once again, to have a boyfriend right now, it feels like ummm...too fast? I don't know...I just wanna have a boyfriend in the right moment...but wanna have it right now too...errrrr...labile? That's me. A teenager.
Isn't it clear? No? I know hehehe ._. so sorry.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Maybe I'll be visiting more often right now :p
Tomorrow will be a big day for my fandom, ELF! Oh yeah! It'll be 6 annive for us (well, for me it have been 1 and 3 or 4 months annive~) Happy annive chingudeul ;;) how did it feel? Taken a long time with our Oppadeul together, passed many troubles and spent much time for fangirling...hmmm sounds good. Like we're a truly family. Well, we have been already being a family right? A big family who spread out entire world with one colour, Sapphire Blue! I hope someday I'll be somewhere with you all, waving our sapphire blue lightstick in sapphire blue ocean, singing 'Our Love' together with Super Junior :') Amin! Thanks guys for being a part of me. Thanks for colouring my world. Thanks for changed my life to something new and full of joy! Thanks for giving me a new family, Super Junior Oppadeul. Thanks for making me a part of ELF. Super Junior + ELF = ONE LOVE! 13ELIEVE PROM15E♥ 너무 사랑해요♥♥♥
