Monday, September 10, 2018

New Life, New You

It might be true that whenever you plan to start something new, you gotta be the new you.


Hi! A month passed without any post. Not because I don't have anything to write, but it's because I have too many things to write.

It's September 10 and one of my long-lost twin brother just got married yesterday. It's one emotional ride though. We're close enough that somehow I feel like I could relate to him in many ways. When he first told me that he's going to marry, I was taken aback and had to make sure that it's real. Him being him that I knew all this time wouldn't decide to marry this soon. But he has changed

How could I know that he did? Because I feel it. From the way we communicate, his choice of words, and his way of thinking. I believe in written words so strong that I perceive someone's personality and feeling through it. I blurted it out though, saying he's gotten wiser than ever.

A willing of change, is one thing I marked most from this time. You got to take a deeper risk, learn something new, and then got a bigger result. Just like how he dared asking his girlfriend (now wife) to marry him, he should have learnt how to be a good and responsible husband for her. The reason itself varies from one individual to another though. His might be due to jealousy and remorse, mine and yours might be due to a shocking event? A random encounter? Or we'd share the same reason as him? We'd never know.

The only thing I think I realize is you have to change if you'd like to have a new life. Because it's greatly possible that the old you could no more accomodate the new challenges which tagged along. And this, only means a change to be a better version of you.


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