i saw her again today.
hair in ponytails, simple denim jacket, black trousers, blue backpack, navy Converse. i’ll bet shades of blue as her favorite color.
she always stands there, at the very same spot, leaning to the last pole of the platform.
earbuds on, ipod in her pocket.
sometimes i stand close enough to know that she smells of popcorn. the ones with caramel.
other times i watch her from afar, watching her lips form some syllables that’s greatly possible a song from her playlist.
she always hops on the same train, the train on which i hop too. the ten to six train, in the morning.
today, i hop on the same car of the train. she was right beside me.
i could smell the caramel aroma. sweet and got me bewitched.
i could see the little mole behind her ear. someone ever said a person whose mole behind ears is a good listener. i wonder if she is one.
i could eavesdrop the song she’s listening. call it dreaming by iron and wine.
i love the song.i love the way universe conspires for us to stand side by side. although not hand in hand. at least, not yet.
and i may fall in love with her. somewhere in the middle of this ride. or someday when i no longer find her in my sight.
or perhaps i already did.