Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Time Has Come

Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari proyek menulis perjalanan mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Sains pada program studi S1 Geografi Tahun 2016-2017. Tulisan ini ditulis oleh ©faizahfinur dan akan di-update selama proses penulisan skripsi tanpa waktu yang pasti.


It's 2017 and will be (hopefully) my last semester in college! So, here I am. Fucked up in the middle of damn-I-wanna-get-a-long-holiday and crap-I-have-to-do-my-thesis-revision-asap kind of thoughts. I need to finish this, I need to put this to an end, yet my heart still is slacking off. Or is it my brain? Oh well, whatever. It's just that I have done nothing since the end of the final test, unless watching animes. Yes. That's just how fucked up I am. 

At the end of this month, it's finally coming. My time. The time of my hardest struggle. God, I feel nuts. I feel like I can't do something right. It consumes me from the inside. I'm watching my friends went all the way round here and there. Yea, I do know they are all stressing out like me. Yet still, they managed it well. So well. I can't even understand my self for being this horribly terrified. It's not that I'm afraid of my trial lecturers, it's different. It's something else. Something I tried to figure out with no result up to this point. I also feel like crying is easier these days. The pressure sure is skilled, uh? To be able to make me this down is not an easy task to do. I'm not that soft-hearted kind of girl tho.

People said it's impossible until it's done, right? So yeah, I'll try to hold on a while longer. It's not like I have fallen to the bottom pit of my own darkness. Well, at least for now.


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