Like another classic story, a communal of strangers would always feel comfortable and hard to leave when it's getting closer to the end. And yes, it occured in this communal too. Our last class was a psychology class with Kak Dian and Kak Mila, both are magister students, we talked about communication, empathy and learning in group. Not like our first psychology class we had before, this class seemed to have made unison that i didn't even know when it formed. Or perhaps each of us has realized that "this is our last class, our last day being together, so yeah, let's have fun!". We discussed and had more laugh than before that day like any burden or any wall ever exist between us. Till a friend named Ancha, he's in my group that time, stood up and announced that we're gonna make such a paper with our personal data there. So then we still could gather and contact each other anytime. And for the latest activity in that class, we had "snow ball" game. It's a game where each of us torn an empty paper to be rolled and going to another person. The person who received the paper, should write whatever she/he thinks about the person with the name written in it. Xixixi it's fun tho!
Six days with them had taught me how i should improve my making friends skill again and again, hahaha. Not because i had such a problem in communicating with people i don't ever know, but because i'm still a kind of person who judged people from the first impression they made to me. Bad? Yes, but i'm trying to lessen it anyway. However, i'll miss you! Thanks for those precious six days♥
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