And through this post I wanna say goodbye to all my otps, my ghei oppars. Indeed, you rocked guys. Perhaps I can't see you for some next months, so keep being well! {} and I'm looking forlorn enough to break my own promise I think. I didn't do hiatus. I'm still fangirling but doing less frequency of it :') So anyone, please don't mind to remind me about that, in case I've too much sunk on it. I don't know what will happen next with my fangirl world, so I give it all to Allah :''')
Holiday is over!
So tomorrow is Monday, January 7 2013 means the holiday reaches its end. Back to school, back to all the routines we have to pass every single day. And back to the exams for all the final grade students. No more spazzing chatting with friends. Well, maybe sometimes but less. There's no time left, they said. Yes sir, we know as clear as the sun shining in the midday, but can you please throw out the national exam? Lmao they wouldn't do it for sure. I, personally think that I didn't do any preparation during this holiday. All I did were just sleeping, eating, hanging out and fangirling. The rest is I'm staying at home. Though in the holiday's start, I really wanna go somewhere quiet enough to freeze my head, before my brain got its quandary. In doing exam, I mean. At least, I could get any new experience during this holiday. Hah but reality is hard guys, dad didn't have any plan to go, so yeah you know right.
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