Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I named you the morning, my reason to wake up every day

Hi readers! How’s life? Okay, well I know there’s nobody who came to this blog in a straight order to read my post. Never mind, I don’t think about it. Moreover, I just share what I feel here and don’t care whether there’s someone read or not. This time, as the title, I wanna tell you about someone, my friend, if I can mention her like that, who has many essays about fangirl’s feeling. She’s good in it, and I officially admitted. Something I want to being underlined here is her too much love for her bias, Cho Kyuhyun.


This post I titled with the line from her wordpress, and I changed it into English. That line is for her dearest bias, Cho Kyuhyun, as I mentioned above. What do you think? Me, personally think that it’s too much achievement for a human. She says that Kyuhyun is her oxygen too. Well, if it’s right, why can she stay alive in the first time she born to this world? Doesn’t she need oxygen? And in that time, has she already known who Kyuhyun is? Think about it. That kind of achievement is only match to give to our God, our everything. Ask me why? Yeah officially because He gives us everything too, such as health, faith, happiness, oxygen includes, right? In short, He gives us LIFE. Does that thing have to be grateful too? The answer is officially yes. Just wanna you know that I’m fangirl too and my bias is as same as her. And in this condition, I try my hard, really hard, to make my God in the 1st position for everything that I do. I know he’s your spirit, your motivation, and maybe your holding place when you come falling down. As much as I pretend him in my life. But don’t say that he’s your oxygen dear, you can live without him, CAN LIVE ! Just now, it becomes ordinary for you to hear his voice, to see his face trough the posters and MV or wherever. You just become usual of his existence. Someday, when he disappeared, there’s no more him. You’ll start a new day without him, keep the worthy memories deep inside your mind, and find another usual things you can do.

I don’t wanna judge her here. Just a lil  reminder to remember where we all come from J So, let’s change the reason why you wake up everyday dear, because it would be much wise if the reason why we wake up everyday is because of God. Love you, M©

With ©,


Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Time I Knew Kpop...

Holaaaaaa annyeong annyeong! I'm back! Hahaha anyone miss me? ._.v
This is Fasting Holiday and decide to write here, a lil story about how I can be a fangirl like now. Okay, let's start!
So, in that day, February 23rd 2011, a day before my 16th birthday, me, Risma, Sonya, and Ibeth went to Dini's house. At the beginning, we chatted like usual. Talked everything like our school, our class, our 'boy', etc. The day went fast and it almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon when Dini started to show me the boys she likes the most. Yeah, she had been being a fangirl for a long time. At least, longer than me. She showed me the MV of Super Junior, Bonamana. I still didn't care at that time because I thought, ah they're too old for me, even I should call them 'Uncle'. I didn't realize that Kyu was so handsome there ._. She tried to show me other MV and she played Lucifer from SHINee for the next MV. Looked that I still not interest at all, she played Seoul Song MV. And there...Risma directly shouted when saw Kyu! I remember she shook my arms and said "Jah, this one is better!" I gave my lil attention to him and silently admitted that Kyu looked better there, which in fact I just nodded my head shortly. In case, I didn't pay my attention in Bonamana MV, where (in my opinion) he looked so cool and handsome. Next, Dini started to play No Other MV. Yak! And I directly fell in love with Siwon there! Haaaaa the most handsome member I have to admit clearly at that time. Sonya had shouted that 'Siwon is the most handsome at all' while I was just staring at her and (again) admitted that she's right. Well, actually I had paid my attention to Kyu in the first time I saw him. Btw, Dini told me which man named Leeteuk in No Other MV and I just said a short 'Oh' for her ._. Sorry Diiiins '-' In the end, I asked Dini to copy the MVs to my flashdisk. Try to find the interesting side of the MV at home. 
In the beginning, I was sure enough that I wouldn't like them. I wouldn't like Korea and everything concerned  with that country. But, I was wrong -_- I started to see the MV at home and found that the song was good to listen. I started to recognize them one by one. Did you know? When I saw No Other MV, I thought that all man there had a same face cause their eyes were all slanted and I couldn't recognize them yet _-_ Day by day, time goes by, I found that I liked them even just for a bit early. My sister started to join me and taraaaa we're successfully become a fangirl now. Fangirl of 15 Supermans, Super Junior, for me personally♥. Why Supermans? I don't even know what they've done to my life exactly till I could say them Superman ._. But when you read their life story, seems that they're really super! How they could survive in the hard time would be a strong motivation for you. They also give me a new family called ELF. Seems that I have many fellows of family in this entire world! Because ELFs spread everywhere! That's why I stand for them right now as an ELF, an Ever Lasting Friend. Love ya ELFs♥♥♥!



Sapphire Blue Ocean! ELFs, see you soon in SS5♥

Super Junior, Nae namjadeul babo! My Supermans♥


Nah, this is Kyu in Seoul Song MV


Kyuhyun in Bonamana MV

Which one's better? I'm personally think he's better in Bonamana MV :p

And this is Siwon in No Other MV

*O* Handsome rite? Hohoho :p
Need closer to see his dimple? This is it♥
