Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Ordeals

Hai! Entah ini hari keberapa sebelum UN yang makin deket tapi persiapan masih gitu gitu aja. Dan 12 malah ngadain try out mulu tanpa pembahasan. Hari ini mulai pra US sampe kamis, terus lanjut TO lagi. Gitu gitu aja terus. Mabok nggak tuh hiks. Pembahasan pakabar. Key i'll try harder ofc. Now, like the title I've written up there, i wanna share some ordeals i have to face these recent days.

1. My mom got hospitalized. 
So, this is started from a slut aunt called Dian, an agent of Herbalife lalalala idc what its name. She's one of my uncle's friend, said the story. Mommy bought her product in order to make me losing my weight. ME. But in fact, she also bought some pills for recovering her illness. Then the few days later she's not getting well and becoming worst. And she still said that it was just the reaction of the pills in the beginning. Well, i trust her, ofc. What else can I do? But day by day later, she had to have some days bed resting. What the fuck. Since the beginning, since my mom showed me her becoming worst illness, i told her to stop drink the fucking pills but she still, drank it. And finally on maybe 5 days after, she was brought for being hospitalized. And along those days, that madafaka aunt didn't appear again in front of my nose. And see how is my mother's condition right now. She's even hard to walk. WALK. How couldn't i be mad at her? I wanna punch her face so bad for sure. Maybe later.

2. My grandma's brother passed away.
Well, he's counted as my grandpa too isn't he? On maybe last Thursday he got hospitalized too and diagnosed as hard stroke. So far, all i know from the stroke disease is it attacks the brain nerves. Not touch the side of its sufferer or even break it. But it's done to my grandpa. His side is broken and he lost much bloods. Till 4 days later, he exhaled his last breath. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. May Allah keep you safe there Mbah :') aamiiin ya Rabbal 'alamin (˘ʃƪ˘) i'm gonna miss you for sure ._.

Yup maybe just that 2 but for me it's hard enough. Much maybe. How the people you loved suddenly being taken from you. It must be hurt. And also here, i am feeling so thankful for having Fila Desi Pertiwi here. One of my best friend and also a sister at once. Thanks for all supports, prayers, and the comfortable hugs till this far. Thanks for standing beside me even when my English practical exam is failed because the fulfilled mind of my mom. Also for the left siders; Tia, Sasya, Suci, Evi, Septi, for the supports and laughters during the hard time. For Nesya, the only classmate and the best spazzing partner I have ever had, thanks for the spazzing time we've spent till now. For Bila and Aeji, thanks for worrying me that much and also for the prayers for my mom. For Gaby the gay Bee, thanks also. I ♥ you. We've to meet up someday! Don't know how my life would be without you, guys. Allah, thank you so damn much for giving me those kind of people. Do not ever go from my life, Allah the most Merciful. And for Fani, my beloved sister that always hiding her trouble alone, we're such a strong gurl. Keep fighting and supporting♥